Canzone per un amica, le traduzioni
SONG FOR A FRIEND (IN MEMORY OF S.F.) [Canzone per un'amica]

Traduzione inglese di Riccardo Venturi

So long and straight that highway did run
So did the car at full speed,
The long, long summer already had begun
And he did smile beside you,
And he did smile beside you
And he did hold the steering wheel so hard,
So loud the motor did roar,
You didn’t know that just that day
Death was waiting for you,
Death was waiting for you
You didn’t know what was waiting for you,
When you are young, you cannot
Imagine that our fate has come
To take you by our hand,
To take you by our hand
You didn’t know it, but what did you feel
When the road was running wild
And when the car did skid from the roadway
Crashing on another car,
Crashing on another car
You didn’t know it, but what did you think
When you were kill’d in the crash
And when the clouds from above did fall,
When life slipp’d out from yourself,
When life slipp’d out from yourself
Then only the voice of silence did reign
Around the wreck of that car
You were lookin’ for life on the highway
And death was what you did find,
And death was what you did find.
I’d like to know what was all this for,
Living, suffering, loving
Spending your days and your whole life
If so early you had to depart,
I so early you had to depart
I want to remember you as you were,
To think you are still alive,
That you’re still listening to his and my voice
That you haven’t ceased to smile,
That you haven’t ceased to smile.